At Slide And Glide, we manufacture, supply and fit bi-folding and sliding patio doors.

Our doors are available in various colours and finishes. Furthermore, we have over 150 colours to choose from. 


What Are RAL Colours? 

RAL colours are a specialised range created by the RAL Colour Institute. The Institute invented the chart to represent materials, including paint, varnish and plastic. Moreover, the RAL colour chart is now the standard chart for colours in the industry. 

In the early 1900s, the National Committee For Delivery And Quality Assurance identified forty colours. In the 1930s, a coding system was created to identify each colour. Then in the 1960s, the colours were also given a name for clarification.

Moreover, these colours are still identifiable by a code and their name today. Furthermore, the RAL system now includes over 150 colours ranging from dark to light, including blues, greens, reds, oranges. 

What Are RAL Codes?

Each colour has a unique four-digit code. The first number indicates the general colour. For example, number 3 refers to red. The last three numbers refer to the shade. So, RAL 3020 refers to traffic red. 

What Materials Can RAL Colours Coat?

These colours can coat aluminium, uPVC, timber and composite materials. 

Are The Colours Long-Lasting?

Depending on the material, these colours usually last for around 25 to 30 years. They are a durable coating which means they don’t need any maintenance. Furthermore, the coating is protective and can withstand the elements.

Which Colours Are Most Popular?

The most popular colours change annually depending on what the latest styles are. However, the recent most popular colours include Chartwell Green, Duckegg Blue, Anthracite Grey and Black. 


If you need more information about colours for aluminium frames, click here to take a look at our Powder Coatings page. Or, if you need more information about colours for uPVC, click here to look at our RAL page.